Formula 1 Rules

Date/Site Changes

Markets will be settled according to official FIA results at the time of the podium presentation regardless of any changes to the times, format, and dates of practice, qualifying and/or race sessions if the associated race takes place within 72 hours of the scheduled date/time.

Minimum Length of Play

Unless otherwise stated, the result at the time of the podium presentation will be the outcome for all markets. All drivers that start the race are considered as runners for all markets.

Formula 1 Wagers

Championship Betting

Bets will stand on all drivers and constructors, whether they compete or not. Bets will be settled in accordance with the official result given by the FIA. Season match bets will be cancelled if either named team/driver fails to take any further part in the season following the bet being placed. Official FIA rankings will determine settlement where points totals are identical.

Driver Head-to-Head (H2H)

Race and Sprint: If at least one of the two drivers do not show up at the start, then all bets will be cancelled. If one or both drivers do not classify, then the driver who has completed more laps is the winner. If both drivers do not classify and have the same number of completed laps, then all bets will be cancelled. During or after the race until the time of the podium presentation disqualified drivers will be considered as ‘not classified’ with 0 laps. Drivers who do not start the race are understood to be classified as “DNS” in the official race result, then all bets will be cancelled.

Free Practice and Qualifying: If at least one of the two drivers either does not start his session and does not finish his individual session with an official lap time then all bets will be cancelled.

Fastest Qualifier

The driver achieving the fastest official qualifying time, in the specified qualifying session, is the winner. Any subsequent demotions do not count for settlement purposes. Official FIA placings count if times are identical. Position corrections after the winning ceremony do not affect the official FIA Qualifying results.

Team Head-to-Head (H2H)

Race and Sprint: Bets will be settled based on the team with the best classified car in the official FIA result. If neither team has cars classified, then the team with the car that completed the most laps is the winner. If neither team has cars classified, and the best cars in both teams have completed the same number of laps, then all bets will be cancelled. If at least one of the two teams start with less than two drivers, then all bets will be cancelled. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as “DNS” in the official race result, then all bets will be cancelled. During or after the race (and until the time of the podium presentation) disqualified drivers will be considered as ‘not classified’ with 0 laps.

Free Practice and Qualifying: If at least one driver does not start his session or does not finish his individual session with an official lap time, then all bets will be cancelled.

To Be Classified

The official FIA classification will be used when settling this market. Drivers who complete 90% of the number of laps completed by the race winner will be classified by FIA, and will be classified as winners in "to be classified" betting. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as “DNS” in the official race result, then all bets will be cancelled.

Number of Race Leaders

The driver who is in the car occupying the forward most grid position, normally pole position, at the start of the race counts as a race leader. After the race has started, any other driver who completes a lap in first place counts as a race leader.

Finish in The Points / On the Podium

Settlement is based on the result at the time of the podium presentation. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect bets.

Finishing Position

This does not include the qualifying stage. Bets on a driver’s finishing position in a race will be settled according to the official classifications, or order of retirement if appropriate. If the named driver fails to start either the Warm-Up lap or the race, the principle “All Bets Stand” rule applies to all bets if not mentioned otherwise directly in bet heading.

Will there be a safety car?

This market will be settled on the appearance of the safety car on the track at any point in the race. (The ‘virtual safety car’ will not count for settlement purposes). If it is used at any point in the race but the safety car does not make an appearance on the track, then this will be settled as no safety car appearance.

Crash Bet

A crash between two Formula 1 cars occurs only if at least one of the 2 drivers cannot finish the race because of the collision. "Not finished" means dropping out within the first round/lap measured from the scene of the crash between the two competitors. If both drivers can continue for more than one round/lap measured from the scene of the collision, this is not regarded as a crash.

How many cars will fail to complete first lap?

Only those drivers who start the race (even from the pit lane) will be counted. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results. During or after race disqualified drivers will not count for this bet.

Which driver will be the first to retire from the race?

For bets to be determined, the driver must start the race (even from the pit lane). If a driver does not start the race, all bets for this driver become cancelled. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results. During or after race disqualified drivers will not count for this bet.

Which constructor will be the first to retire in the race?

If a team fails to start the race with at least one driver, all bets for this team become cancelled. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results. Disqualified drivers will not count for this bet.

Will driver X record points in the race?

 If a driver does not start the race, all bets for this driver become cancelled. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results. During or after race disqualified drivers will be resulted as “no points”.

Will both drivers of team X record points in the race?

For bets to be determined, both drivers must start the race. Drivers who do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results. During or after race disqualified drivers will be resulted as “no points”.

How many cars from team X will achieve a position in the end classification?

For bets to be determined, both cars must start the race. Cars that do not start the race are classified as "DNS" in the official race results or those that do not qualify for the race. Disqualified drivers will be considered as 'not classified'.

Fastest pit-stop in the race

The time between entering and leaving the pit-stop lane will be considered the duration of the pit stop.  If the pit stop lane is entered due to a penalty, this is not considered a pit stop. Normal Driving through pitlane (i.e., behind a Safety-Car or to absolve a time penalty) will not count for this bet. All 4 tires must be changed.